OCA Toronto
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous Toronto

Available for sale or sign-out from OCA Toronto:
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous - Recovering From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Contains the 12 Step Program for OCD, 33 personal stories of recovery, the format of an OCA meeting, endorsements from psychiatrists and psychologists, and slogans and tools for OCA etc.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - A Survival Guide For Family And Friends.
This is the first book specifically for the family and friends of someone with OCD (written by Roy C., founder of OCA).
OCA 12 Step Workshop For OCD (CD set).
If you are new to OCA., or if your group is struggling with the question of how the 12 Step Program works for OCD, these CDs, recorded live at the Queen’s New York meeting with longtime OCA members will help. The above items can also be ordered from O.C.A. World Services, P.O. Box 215, New Hyde Park, N.Y., N.Y., U.S.A., 11040. 516-739-0662.
OCA Toronto Workbook.
Is available at meetings, or can be downloaded below(description included).
The Doubting Disease: Help For Scrupulosity And Religious Compulsions by Joseph W. Ciarrocchi, 1995.
This is a very useful resource for those dealing with scrupulosity (moral/religious OCD).
The Brain That Changes Itself
A 2010 “Nature of Things” episode entitled “Changing Your Mind." From the book by Dr. Norman Doidge, 44 mins. The first 12 mins are on OCD and offer hope, also bearing in mind that improvements have been made in the treatment of OCD since the filming.
Breathing Under Water
This is a detailed reflection on the Twelve Steps offered by Franciscan priest, Father Richard Rohr. He believes that growth can result from suffering and that deep communion and compassion are formed more by shared pain than shared pleasure. Rohr contends that the Twelve Steps are America’s most significant contribution to the history of spirituality. Rohr is not here focused directly on OCD, but there are many lessons for those with O.C.D. Note that while this work is primarily on the Twelve Steps, some of the content is more directed to a Christian audience.
The OCD Project by Dr. David Tolin
This is a 2010 made-for-TV series in which Dr.Tolin tries to treat six serious OCD sufferers in an intensive 21-day program. Their recovery journeys are chronicled.
Scrupulosity Workshop
A comprehensive overview of OCD is provided by an experienced therapist, as part of a one-day informational workshop on scrupulosity in Canton, Ohio, 2012.
Unstuck - An OCD Kids Movie
Is an award-winning short film (2017) that explains OCD through the eyes of young people. The film inspires viewers of all ages to believe it is possible to fight their worst fears and beat back. OCD Unstuck is also available for rental online.
Phone: 516-739-0662.
This site has many resources for sufferers, family members, and includes info on how to set up an OCA group.
OCA Conference Call.
Meetings are held most evenings of the week for all types of O.C.D. and O.C.D-related problems. Participants are free to dialogue or simply listen in, and calls are free on most phone plans. OCA Sponsors can also be found at these meetings.
Download the OCA Toronto Workbook.
Activities in this workbook are intended as an aid for possible use as a supplement to your work with an OCD professional, at an OCA or support group meeting, for personal reflection and/or journalling on a particular topic, and/or as an ongoing program. None of the topics are exhaustively covered, but are intended to suggest matters which you might want to consider in your recovery journey and/or to complement your existing program.
This website has many sources of information, research, treatment options, OCD counselors in your area, a list of discussion boards, etc, as well as a very popular annual conference.
Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorder Centre, Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto.
Phone: 416-480-6100.
Offers many services for OCD and lists many community resources.
The Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
Phone: 416-535-8501.
Also provides many services and resources for O.C.D.
Phone: 705-243-9923
Address: 11 Sophia St.W.,Barrie,ON,L4N1H9.
Offers services, programs and initiatives in-person and virtually, including "pay-what-you-can" E.R.P. treatment.
Scrupulous Anonymous.
Scrupulosity, a religious form of OCD. Some people may be troubled about past sins, others agonize about problems of obedience and purity, and many worry about sin where there is no sin. Their fear and anxiety prevent them from making decisions lest they be wrong ones.
Everybody has mental health because everybody has a brain! The purpose of this channel is to help create an open, healthy dialogue around mental health.
This site is a free, anonymous, online mental health and well-being service offering peer support and resources. It is monitored by clinically-trained "wall-guides" who are online 24-7, and can help guide participants on how to get the most from the services available.
Made of Millions is a global advocacy nonprofit on a mission to change how the world perceives mental health. Our team uses modern tools to democratize education, combat stigmas and inspire grassroots change. Learn more at madeofmillions.com.
Article was written by OCA Toronto facilitator, Mary-Lyn, on intrusive thoughts.
I don’t wash my hands obsessively, but I still have OCD.
Article was written by OCA Toronto facilitator, Jennifer S., in the Toronto Star.
Real stories that educate and inspire those with OCD.
OCD Action is the national charity focusing on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
We’re here for the estimated three quarters of a million people living with and affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) here in the UK. We’re here to support people through the difficult times, right through to recovery and everything in between, we are OCD-UK.
Our goal is to educate and support people with OCD, their family members, and their treatment professionals. OCD is a complicated disorder that often co-exists with other anxiety disorders and/or major depression.
HEAL (a Netflix 2017 documentary now also available online and in podcast).
The film dovetails well with many aspects of our 12 Step recovery program ,including: dealing with stress and anxiety etc., while exploring the importance of such things as a support system, acceptance, forgiveness, God/Higher Power, meditation, and gratitude. Doctors (including Deepak Chopra) and various practitioners are interviewed, discussing the powerful connection between the human psyche and physical health.
*There is an OCA Toronto closed Facebook group. (See Jennifer at a meeting).